Data Driven Assessments
We are committed to providing all of our students with the education they need to succeed and to do that, we must accurately measure their progress. East Bridge Academy of Excellence is committed to providing our students with everything they need to perform well academically. We use testing and assessment data to improve our methods and to better prepare our students for life after graduation.
K – 8 Testing
Elementary students participate in testing required by the Ohio Department of Education and the school district. This includes:
State Diagnostic Assessments in K-8
Kindergarten: Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (KRA)
To boost academic achievement and growth, we use rigorously aligned to state content standards assessments, Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) and Renaissance STAR.
Diagnostic Assessments are administered three times per school year (fall, winter, and spring).
Ohio State Tests
Ohio's State Tests are the measurement of students’ progress toward Ohio's Learning Standards. They help ensure that every student in Ohio received a high-quality education.
Grade 3: ELA and Math
Grade 4: ELA, Math, and Social Studies
Grade 5: ELA, Math, and Science
Grade 6: ELA, Math, and Social Studies
Grade 7: ELA and Math
Grade 8: ELA, Math, and Science
If Applicable to a Student
Alternative Assessment for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities (AASCD) o Is designed to allow students with significant cognitive disabilities to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in an appropriately rigorous assessment.
Ohio English Language Proficiency Assessment (OELPA) o Students who have been identified as an English learner (EL) are required to take the OELPA.