School Profile
Highlights for Ohio State Assessments – Spring 2019
The percentage of 6th grade students deemed proficient or higher on the state English language arts assessment increased 8% from spring 2018
The percentage of 8th grade students deemed proficient or higher on the state English language arts assessment increased 27% from spring 2018
The percentage of 8th grade students deemed proficient or higher on the state Science assessment increased 7% from spring 2018
Highlights for Benchmark Assessments
Renaissance STAR Early Literacy
Based on STAR Early Literacy data, there was growth from the fall to spring test administration for grades K-2. The percentage of first grade students performing at or above grade level, went from 0% during the fall test administration, to 50% for the spring test administration.
Renaissance STAR Reading
Based on STAR Reading data, the percentage of students at or above grade level more than doubled from the fall to spring test administration for grade 6 and 8.
Renaissance STAR Math
For grades 1-3, based on STAR Math data, the percentage of students at or above grade level more than doubled from the fall to spring test administration. The average math scaled score increased in grades 1-5, and 8, from the fall to spring test administrations.